







Note: This section is a work in progress since the season in still in session. We'll add to this page as new screens become available.

This picture is an estimate of your income and cost. It's an estimate because things like attendance and merchandise can change daily. As far as I know there is no need to worry too much because I don't think it's possible to go bankrupt and game over or anything like that.


"Mickolio" just had a good game and now you can sell his jerseys in the team store.


This is the fan report after each game. You get more fans by accomplishing certain tasks like win X games in a row, hit a 3-run homer, and so on. In total, 1030 new fans were earned after this game. You can also lose fans by losing games and performing badly.


The coach discovers that Kura, the picture shown here, is a normal-growth type, which means he enters his prime and then declines at a normal pace.


You may also see some Player growth reports after each game. Here, you can see 3 old players are all declining and their attributes are dropping. Shimoyanagi, the pitcher, lost 1 point in Stamina, Takasu lost 1 point in error, and Fernandez lost 1 point in contact.


When you see a player acting happy in front of a hospital, it means they have recovered from their injury.


When you see this picture, it means you have developed a merchandise for the player shown, but the player has not been performing well. As a result, picture 8...


His condition/happy face drops by 1 level, and picture 9...


Your team loses some fans (it does not say how many). Now if you make a merchandise for a player and he goes hot at the same time, his condition will improve, and you will also gain extra money for the merchandise sales.


Another growth report, but you can see Kokubo is probably a young player and he is developing instead of declining.


DeNA Baystars has found a new foreigner.


Brazel is April's player of the month, batting .386 and 8 homeruns and 17 RBI.